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Worship With Us at 11:00am Sunday Mornings

Come as you are to worship God at Cornelia UMC.  We would love for you join us in person.If you cannot attend in person, the service is live-streamed each Sunday (go to the WORSHIP ONLINE tab and click on LIVE STREAM), and is also available on Facebook at Cornelia UMC Media.  In addition, you can download the app on your phone or smart TV and search for Cornelia UMC to watch. Our service contains traditional elements such as an affirmation of faith and the Lord's Prayer.  We sing a variety of songs from the United Methodist Hymnal, other hymnals, and from contemporary sources. Holy Communion is celebrated on the second Sunday of each month.  The United Methodist Church believes in an open table and all who desire to come to the Lord's table are welcome because God's grace is granted to everyone. Special Services throughout the year include Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunrise, and Christmas Eve.
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Cornelia UMC is blessed to have Pastor Lorena Ortiz leading our Hispanic Congregation that meets on Sunday mornings at 11:00am in the chapel on the first, third, fourth and any fifth Sundays of each month.  On the second Sundays of the month, everyone joins together in the sanctuary to celebrate Holy Communion together.Second Sunday service is typically

followed by a community meal in the Fellowship Hall.  All are welcome to attend this service.

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